We send microphones on a world tour. They travel from person to person, from life to life. Sometimes just across the street and sometimes to another continent.
Each person who receives a mic gets to be part of the experiment and tell a memory from their life. We collect these stories here on the web and publish them as a podcast.
The first microphone started its journey at the end of May 2022 and has already had a few stories told. Between Monday 19 and Sunday 25 September 2022, the first three episodes will be released as a launch. If you subscribe to the podcast, you will then always on Sunday hear a new episode from a real life.
The first microphone just before its departure.
Our mics do not have a planned route. They are passed around by the participants and explore the world that way. All you can do actively is tell other people about this experiment. If you are lucky, someone will think of you when it comes time to pass on the mic-on-earth.